If you want to use install scripts and mods that aren't signed, ie, not part of the bonus pack, then you first need to active the manager into modified mode.

The program is fairly simple to use, unlike the old plugin manager, there are very few options, and most things are done automatically for you. Goto the settings menu and select "Add Directory", then browse to your game directory. If you doesn't find them, you will need to add them manually. It will attempt to find your installed games and add the directories. This is done automatically when running for the first time. Once installed, you need to run the program once to do its initial setup. Desktop Shortcuts: Creates a shortcut on the desktop for the Plugin Manager.If the program doesn't load, try installing these VC++ Redistributable: This are required librarys for the program, might already be available.SPK Tools: A set of command line tools for using spk tools.Auto Updater: Allows the program to auto update when you run the plugin manager.You will also get to choose the extra software to include To Install, download and run the program then follow the install wizard, choosing the install directory, start menu directory, etc.